Madrid City Council
The Area has a set of comprehensive resources to guarantee the human rights of women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation. Its objective is the integral recovery of their lives through a process of personal empowerment where women are active agents and main protagonists of their own change. These services provide a widespread spectrum of services such as psychological, social, legal, healthcare and specific resources endowment and tools to improve employability, training for employment and accompaniment for incorporation into the labor market.
1. Mobile Unit: Approach to women forced into prostitution at specific City spots, providing basic services, information and assistance.
2. Concepción Arenal Center Concepción Arenal Center is an specific and specialised unit for assessment, design and follow-up of individualised processes of support, recovery and socio-labour insertion.
3. Casa Pandora provides housing services for these women and their children.
Telephone: + 34 91 588 32 31

Asociación Trabe
Iniciativas para la Economía Social y Solidaria -, is a Spanish non-profit organization, created in 2005 in Spain. Its main goal is to improve rights and living conditions of vulnerable people with special focus on women and young people, promoting programmes to improve their employability and promoting social economy, gender empowerment and gender mainstreaming.
- Developing programmes and projects to increase vulnerable people chances to find a job through education and training, gender and equal opportunities, international cooperation, voluntary and networking with other social entities.
- Promoting social economy and gender mainstreaming as key elements to improve vulnerable people rights and living conditions.
TRABE´s services are mainly addressed to women and young people. The entity is specialized in working with immigrant women and women victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
TRABE´s team includes more than 20 professionals, – social workers, psychologists, lawyers, researchers, counsellors, economists, etc.-, and collaborators working on different projects social work services.
1. Social intervention with vulnerable women
2. Employment and entrepreneurship
3. Awareness raising on the Social Economy
Telephone: 91 420 45 01